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The Conversion to Web 3.0

Web 2.0... What really is it? There are many answers, and also still
many questions left to be sorted out. According to Wiki, Web 2.0 is all about social media and establishing networks between people to increase interaction. This is the process of forming and strengthening connections to people in a much wider scope
than was previously possible. This is a very crucial and extremely important step to further the web's evolution.

The next inevitable step in the process however, we can call Web 3.0, which will be all about building stronger standard tools across these newly formed networks, and making the content easier for the user to experience, in order to increase the value and efficiency of web use.

The Web is itself, a tool, of many sorts. However because there are so many different applications for web use, there are even more different kinds of tools, each that offer something different, and this is especially true when it comes to social networks. Right now, if a user wanted to use all of these tools in an integrated way with the content, for example, with Twitter and all of their various 3rd party tools, they might be out of luck because they will most likely be forced to launch a new application for each new tool.

There needs to eventually be some sense of universal organization, as one web community, in order for different websites to work together to integrate their content and their tools, so that the experience is made that much better for the users. Web 3.0 is all about building better filters and organizations in order to stretch the reach of content, while making it more enjoyable and less overwhelming.

My Favorite Discovery Engines:
Tumblr Wire

Would I benefit from seeing and accessing all of these tools from one place? You betcha.

The process of Web 2.0 is not fully complete yet of course. We are still working out which kinds of connections are the best, most relevant, and most valuable to us; but my estimate is that the transition between 2.0 and 3.0 will be complete in the next 8-10 years. I'd say we're at 2.4 right now.
And it's even already begun. Browsers like Explorer, Safari and now Chrome are featuring quick navigation to the user's favorite sites at launch, by utilizing easy to use graphical interfaces to display the different websites.

I'd expect innovations in this field to continue to come from web browsers, considering they can be classified as much more web universal than a website could really be. The start of this kind of technology is one more small step for the web, and truly one giant leap for mankind.

Written by: Dante Cullari - Founder & President Beat-Play, LLC

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